
Kindergarten is a year of character building and training while instilling a lifelong love for learning!

In our Kindergarten class, students are focusing on foundational learning and social skills that will provide the base for their elementary years. Language Arts centers and Math centers give students a chance to apply what they are learning in a fun and creative way!

Bible / Character – Building our character by focusing on important character traits like Obedience, Kindness, Friendliness, Thankfulness, Faithfulness and Love is an important part of Kindergarten! Children memorize scripture verses that tell us exactly how God wants us to conduct ourselves.

Phonics / Reading – Students master the alphabet sounds and blends and put them together to make words using the Bob Jones curriculum. They learn successful reading strategies along the way that will help them become independent readers.

Handwriting – Students learn to write upper and lowercase letters using the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum with an emphasis on correct letter formation and technique.

Math – Basic math concepts are built upon during interactive and hands-on centers. Students learn basic addition, subtraction, fractions, money and telling time.

Writing – Kindergarteners experience the beginning stages of creative writing through writing journals, sentence prompts, and story mapping.

Social Studies – We cover a variety of topics such as Health, Community Helpers, Environment, Conservation, and Geography!